Core 2 Duo Prices (3rd Edition) 2025

Google Spreadsheet Link of Most Intel Laptop CPUs

Version 1 guide made in 2018
Version 2 guide made in 2021

The only thing added in this guide is prices of compatible RAM. Otherwise its just updated pricing, and maybe some info on soldered CPUs. I don’t have all processors listed in here either, mostly the faster processors you could get for your system. NO CELERONS OR PENTIUMS 🙂

Yeah I guess I should have made a post in 2024 but I was busy touching grass for the first time in 10 years and that threw my autism schedule away from this pointless website So I actually needed to try to be a decent person in real life, and then when I DID have time, it was on playing League of Legends getting hella hammered on beer (like a Goose Island Beer Hug IPA, or Alesmith Speedway Stout, & followed by Pizza Port Chronice Ale, or Thorn Brewery Bear Runs Ale).

This price guide is just for fun, most of the processors are going to be available from China, and they’ve probably gone up in price because they are old and “rare”. Most CPUs have stayed the same price, some are cheaper… like it is a bit mundane now that I have even done this guide, but prices fluctuated probably 2 to 10 dollars or so for most CPUs. Right off the batt the fastest Core 2 Quad QX9300 went up almost thirty bucks, but the other C2Q went up $30, yet the Core 2 Extreme X7800 stayed a similar price, but the X7900 went cheaper if you bought from china, more if you bought from EU or USA…

CPU Upgrade Paths

Not all of these CPU are drop ins. Here is what I can gather without going thru hardware or pin modding.

  • Some CPU upgrades will need a BIOS update first
  • “Napa” Core Solo/Duo (Yonah CPU) laptops that run 667MHz FSB can upgrade to “Santa Rosa” Core 2 Duo (Merom CPU) with 667MHz FSB
  • “Yonah” Core Duo are 32 bit only CPUs
  • Some sources say you can upgrade “Napa” Laptops to 800MHz FSB Core 2 Duo Meroms but the FSB will limit to 667MHz & it may downclock its power.
  • Laptops with Socket P CPUs can’t be upgraded to Socket M. The pins just fit but the socket electrics are different.
  • Some Merom laptops can be upgraded to Penryn CPUs w/ 800MHz FSB. This depends on the motherboard revision from your laptop.
  • Some Merom laptops can be upgraded to Penryn CPUs w/ 800MHz FSB.
  • Check the T61 Wikia! You’ll see if your system can be upgrade to Penryn if it’s Merom based, however you can install Middleton Bios & can get more compatibility opened, but not all CPUs will be avail to use.
  • Core 2 Quad & Extreme upgrades depends on motherboard revisions/BIOS & the CPU cooler. Additionally if the laptop never offered these CPUs, extensive hardware modding will be required.
  • T61 and T500 can handle Quads with extensive pin solder modifications… check the ThinkPad Forums it has been done and documented.

Also I’d like to add… when I inscribed passmark scores in previous guides, they are different than the current scores that passmark has listed now. I will not be updating the scores, as it is moot and through many online forums there are recommendations on which is the best, great or all around nice upgrades. A rule of thum is that higher clocked chips run hotter and will require much more cooling, there’s always that discrete GPU heatsink to buy even if you only have integrated graphics!

Price Guide Titles / Abbreviations

CPU – Your processor name
Base clock – not overclocked or down clocked, the base clock
sSpec – Specification Number. Sometimes these had specific core stepping, which I think was like a revision number… idk. Some laptops were pick on what stepping you had, so certain sSpec CPUs could only be used… weird yeah!
eBay – I link eBay searches on the text, so click it. Makes it easier for me to research, makes it easier to you to find that chip.
Avail – How many listings are available during my search. Unlike looking at sold prices of laptops… chips are more common and less unique. So I look normally at the price you would pay, on some I have looked at sold listings, but not for C2D.
China – Price of a cheap CPU from mainlan China, it will include Taiwan and Hong Kong (normally same sellers)
Low – Low price you’d find in America
High– High price from America, but could be from Canada or other countries
Yorup / EU / Europe – Normally the 1st to 4th price I see coming from across the Atlantic. Sometimes it may be an Australian, South Korean or Japanese price. Sometimes shipping is $25 to USA… but if youre in Europe, I mean it shouldn’t be that expensive.
bullet points after the table – Whenever I research prices, I might have something to say about it, so itll have whatever I was looking at, and my thought at the time. On some its completely irrelivant to what I am looking at (literally music i like, a show, some shit that just happened that day/hour).

Note I don’t know what’s gonna happen with Trumps tariffs once they go to effect. I’m just looking at the price they have on eBay before its in the cart, shipping included (but chips are like maybe 2 ounces max, so its super cheap shipping. Also I am in America, from California to be specific, so sometimes some sellers have odd shipping prices… but free shipping seems to all be the same, I mean it might be a dollar difference in shipping from one coast to the other if you’re that far away. Sadly idk if this price is different for Alaskian, Hawaiians or Puerto Ricans, but considering processors don’t have any real hazmat or FAA hindrances, it should be shipped cheap via first class (ahem, ground advantage as its called now, ty USPS…) or even a letter rate. I am going off what I see that is shipped to me in SoCal, so if that isn’t correct for you… comment or make your own website 😛

Fastest Socket P, 1066MHz FSB

CPUBase ClocksSpec / eBayChinaLowHighYorupTDPPassmark V10Single Core
X90002.80SLAQJ SLAZ3$44$53$9544 W12071181
X91003.07SLB48 SLG8M SLGE7$26$7344 W11871187
P87002.53SLGFE$10$12$30$1025 W9381031
P88002.67SLGLR$8$25$60$1825 W9031082
P95002.53SLB4E SLGE8$16$21$38$3825 W9591056
P96002.67SLGE6$13$12$3025 W10671109
P97002.80SLGQS$18$55$145$7428 W10821119
E82352.80SLAQB$10$22$2644 W9951113
E83352.93SLAQC$10$37$3044 W12161202
E83352.93SLGEB$3735 WN/AN/A
E84353.07SLAQD$10$31$5555 W12131304
E84353.07SLGEA$7444 W^?^?
T96002.80SLB47 SLG8N SLG9F$10$15$47$2635W10791153

Fastest 800, 667MHz FSB, Socket P & M

CPUSpeedsSpecChinaLowHighEUTDPPass mark V10Single Core
Penryn XE800MHz FSB
X90002.80SLAQJ SLAZ3$44$53$9544 W12071181
Merom XE
X78002.60SLA6Z$39$30$6544 W11381077
X79002.80SLA33 SLAF4$23$53$3844 w10181040
T75002.20SLA44 SLAF8$10$15$25$2635 W804870
T77002.40SLA43 SLAF7$9$15$23$2235 W808884
T78002.60SLAF6 SLA75$1935 W9321015
Socket M667Mhz
T74002.17SL9SE SLGFJ$11$12$2234 W656738
T76002.33SL9SD$21$72$12534 W758843
T7600G2.33SL9U5$160$104$20034 W^^
T27002.33SL9JP$3631 W498652

RAM Prices

MemoryPrice rangeModules
2GB DDR$15 – 402x 1GB
2GB DDR2$5 – 302x 1GB
4GB DDR2$14 – 402x 2GB
8GB DDR2$50 – 902x 4GB
8GB DDR3$10 – 302x 4GB
16GB DDR3$22 – 702x 8GB
32GB DDR3$47 – 804x 8GB

All of this is used RAM, no specific manufacturer.
Gaming RAM w/ heat spreaders may fall in this price range too.

Socket M CPUs – Core Duo & Core 2 Duo

Yonah Core DuoSpeedsSpec / EbayAvailChinaLowHighEU
T25002.00SL8VP SL9EH53$10$11$19$24
T26002.16SL8VN SL9JN37$9$12$37
T55001.67SL9SH, SLGFK, SL9U4146$11$11$20$13
T56001.83SL9SG SL9U7123$2$10$27$22
T74002.17SL9SE SLGFJ119$11$12$22
  • T2500 – Kek, added this selelr from elsewhere
  • T2600 – No Europoors… only 2 american sellers i think, otherwise china.
  • T2700 – Only china, no america 😡
  • T5450 – most of these are from Europe.
  • T5750 – eller listed here is from another search, CPUs come with thermal paste if its in the picture. Not too shabby for a lil higher price if you’re in a pinch.
  • T7200 – Small seller listed :P, most items are from China. Was gonna list a Lativia seller, but they are new w/ 0 feedback :X:
  • T7400 – Mostly chinese sellers, a few US and Europe sellers, but I’d wait for shipping from CN tbh
  • T7600 – Only 2 sellers not from China. Also any T7xxx processor search will have Dell Precision T7xxx processors mixed in. Too lazy to -Dell w/ the search 🙂
  • T7600G – All prices are from China. BIN Low/High are from sold listings, avail price is from China 😛 Only one seller w/ multiple CPUs

The T7600G has an unlocked multiplier from the factory, so some laptops can utilize this feature and I’m assuming, will game better than a “regular” T7600. Me personally, I never upgraded my T60p from the factory 2GHz T7200 running Windows 7 til about 2015, it honestly ran pretty good. I can’t remember if I had a 2.17GHz T7400.

Socket P | Core 2 Duo | Merom | 35W

T72502.00SLA49, SLAXH127$7$10$25$16
T73002.00SLAMD SLA45157$8$9$14$11
T75002.20SLA44 SLAF8186$10$15$25$26
T77002.40SLA43 SLAF7117$9$15$23$22
T78002.60SLAF6 SLA7587$19
X79002.80SLA33 SLAF471235338
  • T5270 – why the fuck would I even have this here? A 1.4GHz????
  • T5470 – LMAO idk how china is more expensive.
  • T7300– Did not know Limerick was a town… imagine my shock!
  • T7500 Holy shit, almost all of these are overseas… SAD. 91 from China, 34 Italy, 11 Germany. maybe 15 from USA, wild.
  • T7700 – Holy shit, almost all of these are from shenzhen, China. kek maybe 10 US/EU sellers
  • T7800 – Happy new year… this is taking longer than I thought 🙂 X7800 seller linked
  • X7800 – UK is $50 plus shipping.
  • X7900 – mostly from China, some from the UK in the high end, and one from Japan.

Note, I have no idea why the X7800 is commonly more expensive than the X7900, other than its a slower RAM speed, so maybe it can be only used on a year older systems. It has been like this for a while, I noticed this on the first guide and then 2nd, still the same on the third, tho they have gone down in price since the previous guides.

Socket P | Core 2 Duo | Penryn | 35W

T66002.20SLGJ9 SLGF569$10$9$20$19
T66702.20SLGLK SLGLJ41$10$10$16$13
T83002.40SLAPA SLAYQ125$7$10$20$22
T93002.50SLAQG SLAYY177$11$45$49
T95002.60SLAQH SLAYX130$21$90
  • T6400 -Good amount overseas
  • T6570 Actually the high prices are mid prices, they just jumped up midway… dont pay that 😛
  • T6600 Again, people are trying to overprice these… fuck
  • T6670 Low price seller listed, WHATS UP LOS ANGELES, WHOOO WHOOOOOOOOO
  • T6900 CPU world has this listed, but its not on Intel’s website.
  • T6970- Again from CPU world, I got a SLGLJ but it is a T4400 C2D which is SLOW :O
    • I think these are MacBook CPUs, so I accidentally put a BGA here 😛
  • T8100 Lmao I had the Swedish language for shipping option… but the rest was english, weird glitch. China will pricematch USA, and EU prices if you want to pay more 🙂
  • T8300 – Almost everything is from china, and then the higher prices are lot listings.
  • T9300 – All from china except a few.. I’d wait for a good deal in USA
  • T9500 – There are a few units cheaper than the China price, but they are newer sellers w/ low feedback… so I would pay the extra $10 for a seller who has some reputation.

1066MHz FSB, 6MB L2 – Socket P Penryn

CPUBase ClocksSpec / eBayAvailChinaLowHighYorup
T94002.53SLB46 SLB4D SLGE5112$7$25$12
T96002.80SLB47 SLG8N SLG9F89$10$15$47$26
  • T9400 – A lot from china, higher prices are overseas, only saw one USA seller. :O
  • T9550 – Mostly from China, no Yourup sellers, soma USA and that one from Japan.
  • T9800 – Good luck
  • T9900 – All from china, high price is from China as well, no USA or EU listings.
  • Rant – I fucking hate Windows 11 os pop ups… fucking wrote a shitton and i pressed ESC and it removed evyerhing i written in the cel. fuck off.
  • E8135 SLG8W – Yorup, is actually japan price 😛
  • E8135 SLGED – Jan 15th 2025… holy shit man, my job was busy as fuck and I stopped having energy for this.
  • E8335 SLGEB – Prices are based on shipping to USA. If you’re in UK? Probably cheaper.
  • E8435 SLAQD – I guess these are pretty cheap all things considered.
  • E8435 SLGEA – Holy shit lol

Notes from Version 2 blog
T61’s can use these Txxxx CPUs but requires a BIOS & hardware mods. ThinkPad Forums Topic.
For the iMac CPUs, the SLAQD chip should work on laptops… at least it did with TuuS’ R500 frankenpad
I gifted my grandma a beat up iMac of this era, but i upgraded the CPU. It ran decently in 2021 except for facetime (but it might be from FT calls to El Salvador, so service sucks).

Socket P | Core 2 Duo | Penryn | 25W | Q3 2008 – Q3 2009

CPU / LaptopBase ClocksSpec / eBayAvailShenzhenBIN Low (USA/CA)BIN HighBIn yorup
P73502.00SLB44 SLB5358$10$10$30$23
P73702.00SLG8X SLGF94$25$50$83$33
P74502.13SLB45 SLGF7 SLB54 SLB565$25$7$30$19
P86002.40SLB3S SLGA4 SLGFD107$9$10$18$13
P95002.53SLB4E SLGE845$16$21$38$38

V2 notes
P9700 is the fastest Pxxxx but barely beats the third best Txxxx in benchmarks, but at it’s price point, vs those, it’s best overall.

  • P7370 – IDK why this one so fucking expensinve, its nothing much.
  • P7450 – Faster CPU for way less
  • P8400 – A lot of these pretty cheap
  • P9500 – Europe price has $18 shipping to USA, so it might be $25 in total to EU.
  • P9600 – Mostly chinese sellers, like 4 from USA, nothing elsewhere.
  • P9700 – Almost all of these are from China, the (Low USA) Price is actually from China. UK lising for Yorup price, High price is from Italy! Now I gotta look for a laptop that has this CPU. LOL cheapest laptop is a Dell E6400 for $89. I forgot (in hindsight I was just drunk and talking out my ass here) these systems require DDR2 RAM (Lenovo, I think HP and Apple at the time used DDR3 for the same CPUs) So upgrading that will be pricey.

Core 2
X90002.80SLAQJ SLAZ343$44$53$95
X91003.07SLB48 SLG8M SLGE792$26$73
Core 2 Quad
Quad eXtreme

Q9300 is known the QX9300, but there is a desktop Q9300 CPU that has an sSpec of SLAWE. The main difference is that it has that aluminum heat spreader, mobile CPUs don’t.

  • X9000 – The only USA seller is linked who has multiple units available, the high price for USA is how high these things go for from China.
  • X9100 – This CPU is still cheaper than the X9000 since the last time I had checked prices on them. Only one seller from USA (and it comes w/ thermal paste), and chinese sellers will go up to that price point. Checking the sold listings, most people paid for the China price, one person did buy from USA
  • Q9000 – Japanese seller linked from Q9100 search
  • Q9100 – High price is from Japan, Europe price is a sold listing from Hungary (seller linked). Prices from china will go up to the high price, None sold in USA!
  • QX9300 – Sold listing from Europe is shown & UK seller linked. China will ask up to High USA prices & someone sold a unit this high from Germany, Otherwise most sold are at the china price. Hmmm gotta look to see what the Dell precision 6400 I got has… at this point that CPU might give me the profit if I were to sell the whole damn laptop…


Here are some sellers that had a good price for the CPU or just happen to have a good amount. Yes there are cheaper listings from some of these listed sellers, but I like to mix it up and noted down sellers from different regions.

T9800ar-raheeqToronto, Canada
T5800SCNTSSaint-Laurent, Canada
T7100Express Technology IncTempe, AZ USA
T5900amti-fremontFremont, CA USA
T5850judicarGardena, CA USA
T6670Repair GigLA, CA USA
P7450DiscTechSan Diego, CA USA
P9600Repair GigLos Angeles, CA USA
T5200PC4SAVEOntario, CA USA
T5500rustyslaptoppartsMiami, FL USA
P7570Xyverx Computer ServicesMiami, FL USA
X9000Global PC PartsSt. Petersburg, FL USA
P8700Honeybee TechnologiesAtlanta, GA USA
E8135His Tech Her ThreadsCedar Hill, MO USA
T8300faipatternflyerSt. Louis, MO USA
T5870gregremathLincolnwood, IL USA
P7550Perfect FramesWheeling, IL USA
T6400TVR-INCClifton Park, NY USA
E8335Buffalo Computer PartsBuffalo, NY USA
T9500vwaleravBrooklyn, NY USA
X9100cl520530Charlotte, NC USA
T5750cl520530Charlotte, NC USA
P8600After Lifecycle RecyclingStrasburg, VA USA
T7400eoutletsdirect.c0mEdmond, OK USA
T7300patnor101Limerick, Ireland
T9600onlineshop2018_1Shefield, UK
X7800nayrexeGlasgow, UK
T5270Just Laptops PartsLeatherhead, UK
T5470OwlTechRochester, UK
T5670LAM SolutionsWaltham Abbey, UK
T9600onlineshop2018_1Shefield, UK
E8335Not-Just-drivesHailsham, UK
QX9300emall14Harrow, UK
T6570carlito_33540St Thonan, France
T9400La-Maison-du-PcLa Gacilly, France
T5250WinInfos Le Puy en VelayAiguihe, France
T6600Notebook-Computer Ersatzteile ShopOsterburken, Germany
T7500Star321ShopWilnsdorf, Germany
E8435GigabitasSiauliai, Lithuania
T6970Siggmo EuropeSlovenia, Slovenia
T5450Siggmo EuropeSlovenia
Q9100angeloffate66Budapest, Hungary
T7200fullmoontechJerusalem, Israel
Q9000Retro*dream’s retro gamesUtsunomiya, Japan
X7900rasukichi0929Kanagawa, Japan
T6500videoactive99Randwick, Australia
E8235Retro ShopBoxBerkeley, Australia
T7700IonlinepcShenzhen, China
T7800domoki1988Shenzhen, China
T9300HernunnenoroShenzhen, China
E8435PC Part DenChina
P9500Digital AnnyShenzhen, China
P8800os_dske深圳, China
P9700IonlinepcShenzhen, China
T2600xeqb4775中国, China
T5300Computer parts boutique shopGuangdong, China
T2700up2extremShenzhen, China
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