TPG V9 July 2024

Placeholder page!

Price research done on June 24th to July 16th of 2024!

Hello everyone, not gonna do a long ass table post anymore. I’ll be working on making a fucking webpage for all the ThinkPads in the worst possible way because I don’t understand how to use MySQL and databases. There will be 400 pages I will have to do and its gonna take a long time.
Gonna be fun tho πŸ™‚ I will explain everything to the best of my Dunning-Kruger Effect knowledge as possible.

It’s essentially gonna be like ThinkWiki minus the boring shit and with my Price research and maybe a graph if things go well.

Maybe I’ll start something and someone else will implement a better idea. If that’s the case, then I would link to their page, and i’ll be chill with just doing prices. Who knows.

TPG 9 is a bit half assed, I added a few new machines, but did not do any due diligence on specs and stuff. There’s a lot of machine i didn’t add, so you’ll see a P16 G2 but no P16v G2 or whatever. And on the P16 G2 there isn’t specs on the main file. oh well πŸ˜€

Anyways here’s the links.

Google Spreadsheet to Version 9

Price Guide image of 2000 to 2022 ThinkPads

Link to Image
Link to PDF of image

Link to CSV of all systems
Link to HTML (looks like shit, use CTRL+F To find your laptop)
Link to Excel xlsx

Price guide of 1984 to 2000 IBM Laptops+

Link to Image
Link to IMGUR
Link to PDF

I am open to recommendations. Comment here of other websites or uhhh if you want to help? idk i’ve been kinda solo on this and I just want to have fun.

What I want the webpage to have

  • Links to HMMs, PSREFs, Parts book
  • MTM look up maybe like EveryMac?
  • FRU list
    • Mobo specs of CPU/GPU combo
    • Battery types
    • Default LCDs
  • LCD pin out & compatibility chart
  • CPU types & maybe score embedded via CPUbenchmark and others
  • That HMM image of the laptop exploded w/ all the parts
    • mayyyyybe make it a bit interactive (dreamweaver RIP)

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