Well somebody has been hella slow recently. Working at USPS during the holiday was insane, though it wasn’t as bad it was before, I was working 6 days and having family matters to deal with too.
The next TPG update will be late, maybe February or march. Annoyingly I am not consistent with updating prices, first 3 months, then 4, it was going to be every six, but this one seems to be 9 months later… My bad.
I may make a new blog for photography, might have some stuff here, and I will expand on some DIY things I’ve done too. Upgrading car speakers on a 07 Honda Accord, maybe a few mixed drinks that I like. Same stuff that would be on my youtube channel might get posted here.
Happy new year to all and the next post will definately be a superbowl one 😀

Salt & Whiskey Bar at the Grand Horton Hotel in Downtown San Diego 92101
A nice gentleman was buying rounds of drinks for everyone at the bar.

This section of the road is closed off on certain days, so it was odd seeing a car packed on the street.
They parked on the side where there shouldn’t be parking, so I think someone did street justice here.
Nothing of value is lost tho, its a Stellantis

This dog is in my life now, and I give him handouts despite it’s owners will.

The mail handlers at 90Z LA NDC seem to send me screwed up loads at least once a week… So this is what happens when you strap only the last container & have heavier OTRs that dont have brakes or straps to hold them back. Yup.